Chess Club
Ages 4 to 7 years
Course Description
Chess/board games are generally thought of more as ‘grown ups’ pursuits – NOT SO! Even preschool children can learn the basic rules of chess and board games, through a clever combination of creativity and game/puzzle work. We capture and hold the children’s imaginations with character building about the chess pieces and what they are capable of, and the children love how this helps them remember the moves.
Research shows that ‘Chess Kids’ (and children who spend time playing board games) regularly outperform peers who do not have games knowledge. The children learn concentration, logical thought, planning, pattern recognition and forward thinking.
Our goal is that the children take away with them:
- An improved ability to share and take turns
- The concept of fun-through-games. They will now be able to turn to games to fill their time. Very handy on holidays!
- The idea that games are their own language…that you can sit down with Chess/draughts/Connect 4 etc., and play it with anyone, anywhere in the world-regardless of age/gender/spoken language
Children will:
- Know the basic layout of the board
- The names of the pieces
- How to make some moves
As well as learning the basics of playing chess, we will take a brief look at the history.
Pieces of chess we will be introduced as characters, then 2D shapes, followed by the puppets/pieces. The children are then taught how to set up the board, plus movement of the pieces. Tactics won’t be discussed at this early stage, just the concept: that there are 2 armies fighting against each other, and how patience and thought is necessary. Children will be taught step-by-step so that they build a foundation and love for board games and strategic play.
The characters on the board will be introduced at Story Time each day They will study characters via traditional stories and nursery rhymes The children will learn about a game where 2 armies are involved in battle We will extend the children’s vocabulary, with new words like ‘diagonally’ etc We will improve the children’s concentration as we play, and work on maths skills as they learn to pace and count moves/pieces. Older children will be asked to subtract the number of pieces taken from pieces left on the board, and also keep check of their opponent’s pieces The children will keep their own record sheets of how they are progressing
Play & Creativity
Sometimes during the lessons we will break up the hour to allow the children a little break. During this time we will:
- Play fantasy games of queens, knights and horses
- We will be working a great deal in black and white, and will carry this through to our artwork, creating a castle wall from black and white bricks.
- We will create, design and model crowns
- Have your own Royal Crest! The kids will design shields and flags with their very own logo!
Extra Things to Notes
We recommend that parents brush up on Chess rules a little (teachers will be providing basic handouts-just in case!), and it would be fab if your child had a game set of their very own…remember to keep the pieces safely tucked away when unsupervised for our younger kiddies!
Note: Spaces for 10 budding Chess players only!