5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39

03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478

After School Classes

Ninja Club

After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
After School Programme
Children aged 4 to 7 years

Far from just being a super cool name, Ninja Club has been designed to help children channel their boundless energy into something productive.
This fun and energetic class combines a mix of martial arts style physical practice, freestyle movement and gymnastics. Each class includes warm-ups, games and rotations adapted to each child’s ability, plus fun obstacle courses which will help your child learn the capabilities of their own bodies and how to use it with control and care. Our little Ninjas are also learning those essential ninja skills of quiet and stealth.
The sessions are so much fun, the kids almost won’t realise that they are picking up essential life lessons such as respecting others, taking responsibility and the importance of patience and practice. All vital skills they can use in the outside world.

Watch example class

Aspace Ninja Club

Come for a Visit!

If you would like to come along and chat to the team, look around our school and trial a class, we are waiting for you! Please book an appointment in advance. There may be a single session fee applicable for the After-School trial, dependant upon the class that you select.

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