5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39
03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478
‘Cspace’ is the name of our fundraising group. We bring our entire community together to support projects that positively impact the lives of the less fortunate, in the knowledge that we can all take steps towards making our world a better place.
We believe that involving our children in Cspace projects makes them more caring and empathetic, plus broadens their knowledge to the many issues affecting families worldwide.
Kspace supports working and busy parents, so we work together to create projects that are fuss-free and a lot of fun, with the emphasis on enriching experiences.
Over the years we have helped many projects:
We built 2 preschools and a primary school in Sri Lanka and profoundly affected the future of over 700 children and their families!
We sponsored the publication of educational books. These were written in the children’s native language, by local authors.
We raised enough money to plant hundreds of fruit trees!
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Cspace worked with animal rescue centre ARK, and we ‘adopted’ our very own dog to sponsor.
Cspace offered a generous donation to help children realize their dreams.
Following a natural disaster, Cspace sent emergency donations and substantial financial aid to the Philippines, Tacloban.
When the tsunami struck in 2011 we reacted immediately and sent money, food/emergency provisions and books & toys to the area. Kspace team members also cooked and traveled with a relief team to help.
To read about oshika school visits, Click here
Our students also regularly participate in eco-awareness projects that educate them to adopt a more responsible approach to everyday living and they are encouraged to give and share as one of the core values at the school.