Winter School
Snack & Lunch Online Order Form


Welcome to our Winter School Lunch Online Order Process!

If you have 2 children, please complete information for Child 1 and Child 2.
If you have more than 2 children, please complete an extra form.
All fields are mandatory.

- Early morning snack and lunch set @ ¥1,000
- All Day set (morning + afternoon snacks + lunch) @¥1,300
- After School Snack only (3pm onwards) ¥300

Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan


Order Information- Child 1

Child 1 - Name (first name/family name)
Select Class
Tick Below to Select Date Select Meal Set Select Lunch Option
 Dec 16 (Monday)
 Dec 17 (Tuesday)
 Dec 18 (Wednesday)
 Dec 19 (Thursday)
 Dec 20 (Friday)
 Dec 21 (Saturday)
 Jan 4 (Saturday)

Order Information- Child 2 (Optional)

Child 2 - Name (first name/family name)
Select Class
Tick Below to Select Date Select Meal Set Select Lunch Option
 Dec 16 (Monday)
 Dec 17 (Tuesday)
 Dec 18 (Wednesday)
 Dec 19 (Thursday)
 Dec 20 (Friday)
 Dec 21 (Saturday)
 Jan 4 (Saturday)
Booking Timeline
Meals can be ordered at any time before/during Winter School. They must be ordered BY 9.00am on the date of attendance, at the latest.
Cancellations cannot be made on the day of attendance.
Please pay directly to Kspace. Bring the correct fee in cash to the school, in an envelope with your child's full name on it.
Meal choices are restricted to the choice above. Unfortunately we cannot cater for children with specific dietary needs and allergies. Kspace catered meals may contain allergens. Please do not order if your child has an allergy.
Parents take full responsibility for the order and consumption of Kspace catered meals.
Authorisation Area
This is an online form and parents might be asked to read general school policies and sign them separately.
Submission of this form means that you agree to all points above and our general school policies concerning meals, found on this link:
Parent/Guardian Online Signature

I am the parent/guardian and all information above is correct.

Type Name in full (first/ middle/family name) *
Date *:
Parent Email ID *:
Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai,
Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan

Enter Given Code *: