Tap Dance
Our multi-level Tap Dance programme is taught by professional dance teacher and performer, Steve Tomlinson. Children who attend regularly move through the levels of difficulty with fabulous results.
Beginners start with basic movements and skills such as simple, rhythmic steps. Students learn how to place hips, knees and feet. Working on simple tap-techniques and a very small routine in each session, students will enjoy the thrill of tap dancing from the very first class!
Experienced students begin to approach turns and leaps, and combinations with flaps and shuffles. They conquer continuous triplet-rhythms to establish clear and regular sounds and learn patterns such as the hop shuffle-step, and the basic 2-3-3 rhythms. They put their short routines to all kinds of music from swing and jazz to techno!
Annual performances showcase students’ amazing progress and give them a chance to shine!
Participants wear their Kspace t-shirt and other comfortable attire. The school has a limited quantity of tap-shoes that may be borrowed for the trial class. After the initial session, regular attendance is required.
Past Dance Courses Gallery
Tap Dance: