5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071 (MAP)
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-13-39

03-5421-4186 / 03-3446-3478

Kspace Extracurricular Class Application Form - After School

Welcome to the Kspace Online Application Process! Please complete this form. One form must be completed per child.
All fields with an asterisk(*) are mandatory.

Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai, Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan
kspace@kspacetokyo.org     enquiries@kspacetokyo.org

Student Applicant's Information
The name of the class you are enrolling for: *
Parent's Name (first/family) *
Child’s Name (first/family) *
Child’s Gender *
Child’s Date of birth (dd/M/yyyy) for example 25/Oct/2019*
Parent’s Phone *
Email Address * (Please provide an email address that we can send attachments/information to e.g. Gmail, Hotmail etc., not a phone provider)
Home Address *
Food Allergies
Yes (Please provide information)
Does your child have any food allergies? No Yes

Leave a list of the other programmes you are interested in, if any:

After School Classes
Private Tuition (Academic/Language/Assessments/Interview etc.)
Saturday School
Private Music Tuition (Various instruments)
Birthday Parties
Seasonal School
Tour and trial dates requested (date, time)

The information you provide on this form is required by Kspace International School as part of the admissions process. The data is stored and processed in-house, and not shared with any other parties or organisations.
Parent/Guardian Online Signature
Signature *:
Date *:
Kspace International School, 5-13-39 Shirokanedai,
Minato Ku, Tokyo 108-0071, Japan
kspace@kspacetokyo.org     enquiries@kspacetokyo.org

Come for a Visit!

If you would like to come along and chat to the team, look around our school and trial a class, we are waiting for you! Please book an appointment in advance. There may be a single session fee applicable for the After-School trial, dependant upon the class that you select.

Request a Tour

Request a Brochure