Kspace BABY
Please kindly note that we have just one select parent & child class available running currently-
Our famous Mummy & Me/Family class is back on Saturdays!
10.00am to 10.45am, 4 months to 2.5 years only.
Contact us (click here) to book now for 2024!
3 months to 14 months
Parent & Baby Music/Movement/Sensory Class x 45 minutes
Watch how much fun you can with your baby!

Kspace Baby Age Group
Kspace Baby is a class for:
- Babies from approximately 3 months old
- Wrigglers & crawlers
- Babies who can stand unassisted but aren’t yet confidently walking around
Kspace Baby Programme
The class is run by enigmatic teachers who have special ‘baby whispering’ skills! We always have a musician/artist/entertainer amongst our crew, and a very unique atmosphere. We encourage lots of parent/carer involvement and parent-child bonding.
The class includes:
- Circle Times
- Tummy Time
- Communication enhancement
- Themed songs & theme-based experiences
- Sensory stimulation (parachute, bubbles, touch-blankets etc)
- Shared social experiences (puppets, toys, movement)
Join us for our Family Circle on Saturdays -
weekend fun for mummy, daddy and extended family!!
Kspace Baby Materials
- Textured fabrics and sensory mats
- Colourful parachutes
- Small shakers, baby sized instruments, djembes and noise-makers
- Live music in each session provided by a range of talented teachers
- Stimulating sounds and baby-friendly songs to develop early communication skills
- Soft, squeazy toys
- Loveable puppets
- Specially screened room that can be darkened for a soothing effect
- Screen for baby-friendly visuals
- Bubbles
- Percussion instruments
- Books
- Water play/pretend snow (seasonal props)
And much more!…..
Watch how much fun you can with your baby!